The records of government are the property of the people. It’s time we reclaim them.
Operation 45
About This ProjectEnsuring transparency and accountability for the Administration of Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States
The White House Visitor Logs
Property of the People forensically reconstructed Trump’s undisclosed White House complex visitor logs.
Animal Rights & the Green Scare
About This ProjectExposing government, law enforcement, and industry efforts to surveil and subvert the animal rights and environmental movements
CIA Torture Report
About This ProjectExposing the inner workings of the CIA’s spying on the Senate Select Committee tasked with investigating CIA torture, and the CIA’s torture and rendition program itself
The Mandela Files
About this ProjectUncovering the nature and extent of U.S. intelligence agency efforts to surveil and subvert Nelson Mandela and the anti-Apartheid movement
Surveillance & the Policing of Dissent
About This ProjectExposing government surveillance and policing of dissent in the name of national security
Selected Media Coverage

Property of the People
1629 K St., NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
[email protected] was hatched by The Sparrow Project and meticulously built by Balestra Media; with creative direction from Andy Stepanian; project management from Courtney Holsworth; and brand identity from Anthony Carlucci of Knew Studio.