USTR Emails, Briefings on International Trade

159 Pages | Thu, 20 Dec 2018 | Source : Property of the People

This release consists of preparatory materials for stakeholder roundtables and congressional hearings regarding international trade issues. Specifically, there are numerous question and answer sets from the Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee and six Agricultural Technical Advisory Committees on issues that the U.S. government is addressing in trade negotiations. Examples of topics discussed in these Q+A sets are barriers to trade with India, country of origin labeling, NAFTA, WTO disputes, geographical indication standards and their effect on U.S. producers, oversupply of commodities that China is stockpiling, and dozens of other topics of relevance to U.S. trade policy with respect to all of our key trading partners. Also in this release are real time emails discussing Chinese retaliatory measures on tariffs – specifically, emails alerting staff to a tariff increase on US frozen pork from 12% to 37%. Much of the release is redacted under b(5) for deliberative process. The documents also include various other talking points and emails discussing trade with China, including discussions of U.S. grievances with Chinese practices.

Relevant tagging includes: trade, international, China, India, agribusiness, Doud, KORUS, trading partners, foreign policy, tariffs, soybeans, NAFTA, WTO, livestock, poultry, avian flu, agriculture, sorghum, National Association of Farm Broadcasters, economics, Lighthizer, retaliatory tariffs

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