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5 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Reference to the Aryan Knights not being a known threat in the San Francisco area. Includes 1991 Routing Slop for Squad 6 Personnel and details of Nelson Mandela's 1991 visit to the U.S.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, FBI, San Francisco, Aryan Knights

4 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Teletype details Nelson and Winnie Mandela's schedule while visiting the U.S and mentions the DOS has responsibility for their protection. Reference to the Aryan Knights not being a known threat in the San Francisco area.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, DOS, FBI, San Francisco, Aryan Knights,

3 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Details of Nelson Mandela's planned visit to the U.S. where he was to receive the Freedom Award, and attend the National Freedom Award banquet. Discusses potential for discord / violence during his visit.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, Peabody Hotel, Freedom Award, Martin Luther King Jr, Memphis, Temple of Deliverance, Tennessee, FBI, MPD

2 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Nearly completely redacted FBI memorandum.

Relevant tagging: FBI, Nelson Mandela, Los Angeles, secret

3 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Foreign intelligence information document, detailing the political situation in South Africa while Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.

Relevant tagging: South Africa, FBI, ANC, foreign intelligence, Nelson Mandela

3 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Details de Klerk's moderating influences on South African politics.

Relevant tagging: South Africa, de Klerk, Nelson Mandela,

4 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Discusses power dynamics occurring between those negotiating, and the expectation that de Klerk will release Nelson Mandela from prison.

Relevant tagging: de Klerk, Nelson Mandela, South Africa, ANC

2 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Mostly redacted document concerning Nelson Mandela's proposed visit to New Zealand.

Relevant tagging: New Zealand, Soviet, Nelson Mandela, FBI, ANC

1 Page | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Article quotes Nelson Mandela on his support for the 3 day strike, and the level of support for the strike.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, Washington Capital News Service, strike, South Africa, FBI

6 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Details the Chicago PD discovering someone behaving suspiciously outside Nelson Mandela's speaking event. They conducted a search of the man's apartment and found and seized numerous weapons.

Relevant tagging: Chicago, CPD, Nelson Mandela, FBI, death threat, assassination attempt, security

124 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Collection of documents relating to Nelson Mandela's visit to the U.S. in 1990. Includes detailed itinerary, security measure details, potential security threats, copies of newspaper articles, crime report for threatening phone calls, assassination threat reports, and groups of potential security concern.

Also includes "Temporary identification system for the visit of Nelson Mandela to the Cities of San Francisco and Oakland" document.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, FBI, Boston, New York, Special Events Management, Atlanta, assassination threat, Ku Klux Klan, KKK, Miami, San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland, San Francisco, Crime Report, Houston, Aryan Knights, Seattle, Balitmore, Fruits of Islam, Neo Nazis, Mandela

12 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018

Details U.S. Communist Party support for Nelson Mandela and their efforts to have congress designate a Nelson Mandela Week. References connections between U.S. communists and the ANC. Also details ANC's communist and Soviet connections.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, U.S. Communist Party, ANC, Soviet, communism, communist, Northern California Reception Coalition, FBI

1 Page | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

A petition calling for President Reagan to support the liberation of Nelson and Winnie Mandela and all South African Political Prisoners. Petition published by The National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR).

Relevant tagging: NAARPR, National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, political prisoners, President Reagan, Ronald Reagan, ANC, South Africa, FBI

3 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Heavily redacted document concerning the Movimiento Liberacion Nacional (National Liberation Movement) and information being supplied to the Philadelphia FBI office that there is a possibility of a personal meeting with Mandela.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, Philadelphia, FBI, Chicago, National Liberation Movement, Movimiento Liberacion Nacional

3 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Heavily redacted document containing miscellaneous intelligence information from a reliable source.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, FBI, New York, South Africa, Mandela

2 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Nearly completely redacted memorandum.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, FBI, Mandela, FOIA

1 Page | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Details time and purpose of Nelson Mandela's planned visit to the U.S.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, FBI, New York, Miami

2 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Heavily redacted document concerning meeting between Nelson Mandela and Yugoslav President Janez Drnosek in South Africa.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, Janez Drnosek, South Africa, Yugoslavia, FBI

2 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Details an organizing workshop to "End Police Crimes and Stop the Immigration and Naturalization Service Raids and Deportations" sponsored by the Brooklyn branch of the NAARPR. Workshop followed by discussion of NAARPR's petition to support freedom for Nelson and Winnie Mandela.

Relevant tagging: Communism, Communist Party, Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, NAARPR, Brooklyn, New York, Detroit, Chicago

2 Pages | Thu, 12 Jul 2018 | Source : Property of the People

FBI Memorandum containing a copy of NYT article from Jan 9, 1990.

Relevant tagging: Nelson Mandela, NYT, New York Times, Winnie Mandela, FBI, South Africa, Mandela