
20 Pages | Thu, 31 May 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Email correspondence between USDA and mayonnaise, dressings, and sauces industry members. Received in response to our FOIA request which sought to investigate government-industry collusion to suppress plant-based food company Hampton Creek. Relevant tagging includes: USDA, Egg Board, Hampton Creek, Collusion, Industry, Corruption, Vegan

35 Pages | Thu, 31 May 2018 | Source : Property of the People

Email correspondence among USDA Egg Board employees relating to the government-industry collusion in which the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service attempted to quash the success of plant-based food technology company Hampton Creek. Relevant tagging includes: USDA, Egg Board, Hampton Creek, Collusion, Industry, Corruption, Vegan

1 Page | Fri, 23 Mar 2018 | Source : Property of the People

An email dated November 29, 2002 from the FBI details that two days prior the Bureau obtained a Court Ordered Title 3 wiretap against SHAC activists.

Relevant tagging includes: FBI, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, SHAC, Trail Mix, Operation Trail Mix, Newark, Wiretap, Title 3

1 Page | Fri, 23 Mar 2018 | Source : Property of the People

A 2002 FBI internal email spitballing how to utilize classified technologies as a means to circumvent the PGP encrypted emails of SHAC activists.

Relevant tagging includes: Minneapolis, FBI, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, SHAC, Trail Mix, Operation Trail Mix, Kevin Kjonaas, Newark, PGP, GPG Tools

1 Page | Fri, 23 Mar 2018 | Source : Property of the People

An email from the FBI field office in Minneapolis detailing the holiday travels of SHAC activist Kevin Kjonaas as well as the Bureau's continued "work on the encryption issue."

Relevant tagging includes: Minneapolis, FBI, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, SHAC, Trail Mix, Operation Trail Mix, Kevin Kjonaas, Newark, PGP, GPG Tools

1 Page | Fri, 23 Mar 2018 | Source : Property of the People

An FBI email detailing the Bureau's intent to seize the computers of SHAC activist Kevin Kjonaas by way of a search warrant. The email also underscores the agent's hope to read "previously encrypted emails."

Relevant tagging includes: Minneapolis, FBI, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, SHAC, Trail Mix, Operation Trail Mix, Kevin Kjonaas, Newark, PGP, GPG Tools

3 Pages | Fri, 23 Mar 2018 | Source : Property of the People

A 2003 email exchange between the Minneapolis field office of the FBI and technical agent(s) in Quantico, VA outlining the furnishing of "secret" electronic surveillance tools created specifically for the FBI's investigation into the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) campaign.

Relevant tagging includes: Minneapolis, FBI, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, SHAC, PGP, GPG Tools, Trail Mix, Operation Trail Mix